jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

21 preguntas.. para preguntar cuando te aburres

21 preguntas!
Diica C.: AdiviNAAAAAAAAAa
Gabriel S. Katz: is it a place?
Diica C.: no
Gabriel S. Katz: is it a person?
Diica C.: no
Gabriel S. Katz: is it a movie?
Diica C.: nooooooooooop
Gabriel S. Katz: oh my gawd, is it something real?
Diica C.: si
Gabriel S. Katz: is it manmade?
Diica C.: nop.. ES FACIL! D:
Gabriel S. Katz: mala!, is it some kind of creature? or living organism?
Diica C.: io kreo ke si.. si! :D
Gabriel S. Katz: does it fly?
Diica C.: nooooooooope
Gabriel S. Katz: does it swim?
Diica C.: no
Gabriel S. Katz: (am i allowed to ask questions that dont involve yes or no answers?)
Diica C.: no, monce!
Gabriel S. Katz: is it a mammal?
Diica C.: no es D:
Gabriel S. Katz: is it a reptile?
Diica C.: no
Gabriel S. Katz: is it a multicellular organism?
Diica C.: si :D
Gabriel S. Katz: ffffffff.. is it an insect?
Gabriel S. Katz: does it have 2 eyes?
Diica C.: no
Gabriel S. Katz: wtf D:! something that is real, is alive, isnt a mammal, isnt a reptile, cant swim or fly, isnt an insect, is multicellular and does not have 2 eyes!! wtfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Diica C.: lol ke mas keda pues amorsito
Gabriel S. Katz: can it walk?!
Diica C.: no
Gabriel S. Katz: can it breath....?!
Diica C.: si
Gabriel S. Katz: zomg
Diica C.: XD
Gabriel S. Katz: is it a plant?
Diica C.: si :D
Gabriel S. Katz: is it big?
Diica C.: ahmmmmm no XD
Gabriel S. Katz: do people cultivate them as gifts for others?
Diica C.: sipi
Gabriel S. Katz: is it a tulip?
Diica C.: siiiiiiiiiiiiiii! , te demoraste menos de 21 preguntas :D
Gabriel S. Katz: :DDDDDDDD your favorite!
Diica C.: hahahaha :3
Gabriel S. Katz: i cant believe i actually got that one =]

por esto ke aun no m akostumbro al horario de aki..

[17:44:45] Gabriel S. Katz: i dreamt i had to rescue you
[17:44:48] Gabriel S. Katz: D:
[17:45:07] Gabriel S. Katz: from this really weird fortress
[17:46:00] Gabriel S. Katz: on the outside was a giant robot defending it with turrets all over the fortress
[17:46:25] Gabriel S. Katz: i defeated the giant robot infiltrated the fortress killed god knows how many ninjas and soldiers
[17:46:54] Gabriel S. Katz: and i remember seeing you tied up and the boss guy there
[17:46:59] Gabriel S. Katz: and a health bar appeared
[17:47:04] Gabriel S. Katz: but i think i woke up then
[17:47:27] Gabriel S. Katz: but i was dying cus i had a bunch of bullet wounds and swords stuck inside me D:

no ce komo usar bien tumbrl.. tons regrese a leer a mis amigos del blogger (:
descubri ke unos se fueros i ai burda nuevos.. caray..
regresen ):
